Privacy Terms for Client

ContractOK OÜ (registry code 14741059) (hereinafter referred to as ContractOK) registered office at Tallinn, Staapli, 10145, who manages the ContractOK analysis platform, has developed this privacy policy for its Clients. You can contact us using the following contacts: by e-mail:; on data protection issues ContractOK, as an intermediary for legal analysis services, is the data controller in the processing of personal data relating to the operation of the Platform and the finding of a service provider through the Platform. ContractOK is also the data controller in the transmission of offers and advertisements related to the provision of Legal Analysis Services and for sending newsletters to the Client. From the moment ContractOK provides the Client with data and gives the Client’s contract to the Lawyer, the Lawyer becomes the joint controller of the Client’s personal data if personal data are processed for the purpose of providing legal analysis. Among other things, the intermediary of legal analysis services (ContractOK) and the Lawyer have agreed as follows:
  • ContractOK shall collect the personal data required by the Lawyer from the Client upon registration on the Platform;
  • ContractOK shall notify the Client of the processing of their personal data for the purpose of providing legal analysis;
  • ContractOK and the Lawyer shall ensure that persons who have no need to cannot access Clients’ personal data using the necessary technical and organisational measures.
In the course of providing the service, ContractOK may process the Client’s personal data in relation to third persons and transmit the Client’s personal data to them. A “processor” of personal data is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the controller (ContractOK).

Principles of processing personal data

We are dedicated to the protection of the personal data of our Clients and we will do everything in our power to protect the Client’s personal data as best we can and apply best practices in the processing of personal data. To this end, ContractOK shall process the Client’s personal data in accordance with the principles set out in this privacy policy:
  • Transparency – ContractOK will process the Client’s personal data in a fair and transparent manner and only if the Client has consented to the processing thereof or ContractOK is allowed to process the Client’s personal data under legislation. ContractOK will do everything in its power to ensure that the processing of personal data is as transparent and understandable as possible for the Client;
  • Purpose limitation – ContractOK collects the Client’s personal data for explicitly specified and legitimate purposes. ContractOK shall not subsequently process the Client’s personal data in a way that would be incompatible with the original purposes of the processing, unless such processing is based on legal grounds arising from the law or the Client’s consent;
  • Data minimisation – ContractOK will do its best to ensure that the personal data processed by ContractOK is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed;
  • Accuracy – ContractOK aims to ensure that the Client’s personal data are accurate and, where applicable, relevant. We will make every effort to ensure inaccurate personal data are either deleted or promptly corrected;
  • Storage limitation – we will retain the Client’s personal data in a form which permits the Client to be identified only for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which the Client’s personal data were collected. When the Client’s personal data are no longer needed and there is no legal basis for the continued processing thereof, they will be rendered anonymous, deleted or destroyed;
  • Integrity – we ensure that the Client’s personal data are processed by ContractOK in a manner that ensures the appropriate security of the personal data processed. We will also do everything in our power to protect the Client’s personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage;
  • Data protection by design and by default – ContractOK shall take into account the need to protect personal data when developing, selecting and using applications, services and products which are based on the processing of personal data or which process personal data.

Which personal data do we process?

Name, telephone number, e-mail address, telephone number, personal identification number, place of residence, description of the legal problem, language of communication, time spent on the provision of legal analysis services, cost of the legal analysis services provided and payment details, details of questions and disputes relating to the provision of the service.

For what purpose do we process personal data?

We process personal data to ensure the quick, efficient, cost-effective and transparently priced performance of the service. We use Clients’ contact data to contact Clients through ContractOK’s Platform. We use the name, telephone number and e-mail to communicate with the Client and to provide them with legal analysis services. We collect data on the language of communication in order to provide the service to the Client in a language they understand. We process Clients’ payment data in order to send them invoices. We process the information provided by the Client on the legal issue to collect data for the development of the platform. We process data to develop ContractOK’s IT systems and services. Client support information is collected on a case-by-case basis and stored to resolve disputes and improve service quality. We also collect data to perform statistical and financial analysis. The working time calculation data needed to resolve the issue are processed for invoicing purposes. We process data to perform other obligations arising from the law.

Legal basis

  • Contract – Personal Data are processed for the purpose of meeting a contract. Personal data are processed to provide legal analysis services to Clients. Personal data are processed to the extent that Clients provide it by using ContractOK’s platform when creating an account and describing the legal issue that needs to be solved and submitting documentation. A crucial prerequisite for the use of ContractOK’s platform is the submission of a description of the Client’s legal issue, the submission of a document and the processing of personal data.
  • Consent – ContractOK processes your personal data on the basis of consent to send advertising and offers. Consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time by notifying ContractOK.
  • Legitimate interest – ContractOK may process the personal data of Platform users on the basis of legitimate interest (for example, to ensure data and information security, develop platform services, prevent fraud), to ensure the security of the Platform and the e-service provided through it, unless the interests and rights of the Client prevail in a given situation.
  • Legal obligation – ContractOK processes the Client’s personal data to comply with its legal obligations arising from various legal acts (e.g. legal acts regulating anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism).
ContractOK will not disclose personal data to any third person, unless the right or obligation to do so arises from the law or the Client has instructed ContractOK to transmit data to third persons. Clients’ assessments on the quality of legal analysis services are generally anonymous and the Lawyer will not be able to know the name or telephone number of the person who provided the assessment unless the Client requests the disclosure of their data or the disclosure is necessary to resolve the Client’s complaint.  

Security of personal data and access to data

Personal data are stored on servers located in the territory of a Member State of the European Union. Personal data can be accessed by employees who can examine the data to resolve technical or client support issues related to the use of the service. ContractOK may process data in an anonymous form for the purpose of developing an automated platform under development. Administrators of ContractOK have the right to carry out queries across all personal data to obtain statistical data on the use of the service (location of data subjects by region; by jurisdiction). When carrying out statistical queries, personal data are used in an anonymous form. Geographical location data are processed and personalised only when location data must be linked to an individual in order to resolve disputes or fraud. For research or statistical purposes, data are processed in an anonymous form. To the extent and in accordance with the procedure provided by law, an authority or court conducting a preliminary investigation in a criminal matter, may enquire about personal data within the limits of their competence.

Access to, rectification and portability of personal data

The Client has the right to the rectification of personal data. If the Client finds that personal data relating to them are inaccurate or incomplete, the Client has the right to correct the data themselves on ContractOK’s platform or to request the correction or completion of such data by ContractOK’s staff. The Client has the right to receive information at any time about the extent to which their personal data are processed and how such data are used, and to have access to the data relating to them. To do so, they must submit a handwritten or digitally signed application. ContractOK shall verify the Client’s identity before releasing personal data in order to prevent it from falling into the hands of unauthorised persons.


Personal data are stored as long as the Client has an active ContractOK account. Upon closing an account, personal data will be deleted unless it is necessary to store the data for accounting, dispute resolution or fraud resolution purposes. After the provision of legal analysis services, the Client’s personal data and the data relating to the legal issue solved, incl. data relating to the latter, remain visible to the lawyer. The lawyer needs this to be able to address questions related to the provision of the service, incl. to avoid having to ask for the same information repeatedly when they are contacted about the same issue. Payment data for legal analysis services provided to Clients will be retained for three years after the last invoice is issued. Data required for accounting purposes are retained for seven years. In the case of a suspected crime, fraud or misrepresentation, data are retained for 10 years. In the case of payment disputes, data are retained until the claim is settled or the limitation period expires. Data/history related to the Client are retained for three years after the end of the project, following which the data/history related to the Client will be rendered anonymous. If the platform has not been used for three years, we will notify you of the existence of an account with ContractOK and ask you to verify whether you wish to use it. If use of the account is not verified, we will delete the personal data unless such data need to be retained for the purpose of accounting, dispute resolution or fraud investigation and detection.


The deletion of personal data is possible by deleting your ContractOK user account. If the user account is deleted, services on ContractOK’s platform can no longer be used. To request that ContractOK delete the data, a request signed in own hand or digitally must be submitted, ContractOK will then verify the requester’s identity before deleting personal data to prevent malicious requests from third persons. We will respond to deletion requests within one month and specify the procedure for deletion.


We will respond to data transmission request within one month and specify transmission details. Client support shall identify the requester and transmit personal data, including: contact details, analysis, history of related activities and documents and payment details.

Direct marketing messages

We will use your e-mail address and/or telephone number to send personalised direct marketing messages if you have consented thereto through ContractOK’s platform. If the Client’s personal data are processed based on their consent, the Client has the right to withdraw their consent at any time by informing ContractOK that they do not wish to receive personalised offers or promotions or want their data to be processed for the purposes of researching consumer behaviour and/or direct marketing and/or the transmission of their data to a third person for such purposes.

Dispute resolution

Disputes concerning the processing of personal data are settled through client support or by turning to ContractOK’s data protection specialist at The supervisory authority is the Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate (,